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Sep. 5th, 2007 | 02:07 am
[05 Sep 2007|01:24am] thanks to avatar
[Originally Posted by geekzilla]
Why are people afraid of dying and are you? Can you answer this question..?”
[My answer]
People are afraid of change.
And people tend to associate themselves with their body.
So when their body undergoes the ultimate change at death... That's what they are afraid of.
One way to overcome the fear of change of the body is to associate your self with something that does not undergo that change.
Why are people afraid of change? Because the change may affect themselves.
Everything that can affect you may be a concern.
And concern leads to worry.
Worry leads to fear.
Fear leads to stress.
Stress leads to wrongful thinking.
Wrongful thinking leads to wrongful action.
Wrongful action leads to bad consequences.
Bad consequences lead to changes.
[Originally Posted by geekzilla]
Why are people afraid of dying and are you? Can you answer this question..?”
[My answer]
People are afraid of change.
And people tend to associate themselves with their body.
So when their body undergoes the ultimate change at death... That's what they are afraid of.
One way to overcome the fear of change of the body is to associate your self with something that does not undergo that change.
Why are people afraid of change? Because the change may affect themselves.
Everything that can affect you may be a concern.
And concern leads to worry.
Worry leads to fear.
Fear leads to stress.
Stress leads to wrongful thinking.
Wrongful thinking leads to wrongful action.
Wrongful action leads to bad consequences.
Bad consequences lead to changes.
(no subject)
date: Sep. 5th, 2007 - 11:11 pm
beigās prasījās līdz punktam (kaut pēc Tevis tas ir tiki fiziskā ķermeņa punkts)
Bad consequences lead to death.