wer mit der herde geht, kann nur den ärschen folgen - December 15th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 15th, 2011

[Dec. 15th, 2011|10:27 am]
Приказ: shock the monkey!
Доклад: monkeys are working on it!

don't you monkey with the monkey
throw your pearls before the swine
- make the monkey blind
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trusikos un gumijniekos [Dec. 15th, 2011|04:41 pm]
Report alleges Victoria's Secret linked to child labor

"We are very concerned," parent company Limited Brands said in a statement, noting that the cotton in question, which comes from the West African nation of Burkina Faso, is "used in a small portion of our Victoria's Secret panty styles."

While forced labor and child labor are not new to African farms, Bloomberg noted, the girl works on a farm certified as organic and fair trade.

ja tie burkinafaso bērni palīdzētu uzlabot lataviešu demogrāfiju, ļautu strādāt uz nebēdu
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