mana mazā smadzeņpoda lielā atvilktne

noķer un atver, ja vari!

13. Augusts 2007

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ieshu peldeet!

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mellenes, gailenes, bruuklenes no mezha
tomaati, gurkji, paprika no siltumniicas
dilles un kartupelji no daarza
labi buut laukos
tikai zheel, ka interneta maz

8. Augusts 2007

testing myself

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You Are 7: The Enthusiast

You are outgoing and playful - always seeing the happy side to life.

You're enthusiastic and excitable. You love anything new.

Multi-talented, you do many things well... and find success easy.

You prefer to keep things light with others. Opening up is hard for you.

At Your Best: You are deeply involved in each experience. You appreciate life for what it is, and you take the time to enjoy each moment.

At Your Worst: You are greedy, self centered, impulsive, and insatiable.

Your Fixation: Gluttony

Your Primary Fear: Deprivation and pain

Your Primary Desire: To be satisfied and content

Other Number 7's: Howard Stern, Cameron Diaz, Robin Williams, Jim Carey, and Jenny Mccarthy.

You Belong in New York City

You're the energetic, ambitious type.

And only NYC is fast enough for you.

Maybe you'll set yourself up with a killer career

Or simply take in all the city has to offer.

Your Heart Is Green

Love completes you, but that doesn't mean you seek it out.

When love comes your way, you integrate it peacefully into the rest of you life.

Your flirting style: Laid back

Your lucky first date: Walking around aimlessly and talking

Your dream lover: Is both enthusiastic and calm

What you bring to relationships: Balance


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Stokholmas sindroms

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Neskatoties uz jūrasslimības fobiju esmu atpakaļ no Stokholmas

2. Augusts 2007

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Vienmēr viņš zvana tad, kad guļu, ēdu vai dušojos, bet šodien viņš atmodināja manu sniega izjūtu. Kur ir manas slēpes?

1. Augusts 2007

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arlabudiendusu man!!!

31. Jūlijs 2007

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Rudenīga bohēma ir ienākusi manā mājā. Vasara redzot cilvēku ciešanas ir pametusi šo pasauli. Debesis raud pēc saules. Lai sasildītos dedzinu tējas svecītes un vīraka kociņus.

30. Jūlijs 2007


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You Are 50% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it!
Your Deadly Sins
Sloth: 60% Envy: 40% Greed: 40% Wrath: 40% Gluttony: 20% Lust: 0% Pride: 0% Chance You'll Go to Hell: 29% You will die while sleeping - and no one will notice.
Your Life Is Worth...

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Pēc šokolādes jebkurš vīns ir sausais...

Vilnis. Jaunais.

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Labrīt tauta, debesis vaļā...
Izkaidrojiet man lūdzu jaunā viļņa vērtēšanas sistēmu kur vērtējumu skalā no 1 līdz 11 nekad (gandrīz nekad) un neviens (gandrīz neviens) netiek novērtēts ar vērtējumu no 1 līdz 7. Kāda jēga ir vērtējumu kartītēm ar cipariem 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, ja neviens tās neizmanto? Nevajadzīga līdzekļu izšķiešana.

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Agra modināšana veicina sliktus ieradumus. Varbūt jālien atpakaļ migā?

29. Jūlijs 2007

Positivus atskaite

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Spēcīgi, emocionāli, Sterephonics kā pukts uz "i" un TĀDA atmosfēra!!!! Labākais pasākums Latvijā, kāds jebkad bijis. Pozitīvisma deva ilgam laikam! Tādu vajag arī nākamgad! Turpat Salacgrīvā!

28. Jūlijs 2007

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Positivus AB festivāla biļete ir man!

27. Jūlijs 2007

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deviņdesmitdeviņi sēkociņi, bet cigaretes nav.


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