

31.10.15 10:34

23.10.15 18:27 - dusmīgā mūzika

Mauka Mele

23.9.15 04:28 - let's goth

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6.9.15 13:40 - shudder before the beautiful

Paklausījos, kā mūsdienās spēlē Nightwish. Negaidīju albumā dzirdēt Ričardu Dōkinsu.

30.8.15 22:46 - everything.torrent

Tagad liekas mazliet jocīgi, ka no tiem ansambļiem, kas bija svarīgi, nebija visu albumu. Toties cik kruta bija atstiept mājās kaut ko jaunu!
Nevar jau tiem bērniem pārmest neko par tām Mailijām un Bejonsēm vai ko viņi tur klausās. Kādreiz arī viņiem viss būs apnicis. Bet līdz tam var kaut katru dienu vilkt pa jaunam Bestākajam Albumam Ever.

20.8.15 12:45

Latviešu metāla grandi "Nasta" ļoti talantīgi komunicē harizmas trūkumu. Kādu brīdi man dzied par "come and stand with us!", bet garīgajās nāsīs sit čuru rūgums un točna negribas iet pastāvēt pie viņiem. Bet ko gan es saprotu? Eisī Dīsī un Motōrhedi reiz šķita tamlīdzīgi.

Vismaz nākamā dziesma pavisam ģeniāla. "Your body nice." Jes.

11.8.15 12:24 - Rasā manas kaijas mirka

atroc savu kumeliņu

a ko

bez finiera arī es vārdus neatcerētos

8.8.15 18:01

these days
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22.7.15 14:06 - psy



don't even care

17.7.15 15:59 - lāsts

last.fm iesaka paklausīties kaut ko jaunu.

004? 007? 006? Poļu pops, "not reggae" un diesvien zinakas. Jes, taisni manā gaumē.
Jāsatego tie faili vienreiz.

16.7.15 22:35 - Rubiks Rubiks - Putin Putin

Putin Putin

8.7.15 13:36 - synth

Kad sāk skanēt "Smack My Bitch Up", es vienmēr gaidu "Emīla nedarbus".


4.7.15 05:11 - morning! nakts ierakstīta.


12.6.15 16:07


You got away got away got away from me
Now get away get away get away from me
I couldn't grow just living in the shadow
Where do you go when no one's following you
You ran away ran away it was right on queue

Shall I go on and on and on and on and on and on again
Rosemary you're part of me you know (You are, you are, you are)
Rosemary you're part of me you know (you are, you are, you are)
Rosemary please pardon me
Truth aint gonna change the way you lie
Youth aint gonna change the way you die

Dear Rosemary, dear rosemary

You got away got away got away with things
You got away got away got away with things
For starts your heart gets shattered
Pick up the pieces coming down around you
You ran away ran away it was right on queue

Can I go on and on and on and on and on and on again
Rosemary you're part of me you know (You are, you are, you are)
Rosemary you're part of me you know (You are, you are, you are)
Rosemary please pardon me
Truth aint gonna change the way you lie
Youth aint gonna change the way you die

This was no ordinary lie (this was no ordinary lie)
This was no ordinary lie (this was no ordinary lie)
Here from now on
But once I'm gone, I'm gone

Truth aint gonna change the way you lie
Youth aint gonna change the way you die

Dear Rosemary (dear Rosemary)
You're part of me (you're part of me)
Dear Rosemary (dear Rosemary)
Please pardon me (please pardon me)

Dear Rosemary

You got away got away got away from me
Now get away get away get away from me

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