Dream Theater - Octavarium
"III. Full Circle (12:15-18:27) Lyrics by Mike Portnoy
[Isn't this is where we came in] [from Pink Floyd - The Wall]
sailing on the seven seize the day tripper diem's ready
jack the ripper owens wilson phillips and my supper's ready
lucy in the sky with diamond daves not here I come to save the
day for nightmare cinema show me the way to get back home
Biju visu noklausījies neskaitāmas reizes un diezgan vēlu aptvēru...kaut ko. Tur taču teksts sastāv no citu dziesmu nosaukumiem un rindām! Visu laiku domāju, ko man tie vārdi atgādina...
Heh, tāda atklāsme, ka tagad varu iet gulēt pavisam mierīgi un mani vairs naktīs nenomoka šis jautājums :D
"III. Full Circle (12:15-18:27) Lyrics by Mike Portnoy
[Isn't this is where we came in] [from Pink Floyd - The Wall]
sailing on the seven seize the day tripper diem's ready
jack the ripper owens wilson phillips and my supper's ready
lucy in the sky with diamond daves not here I come to save the
day for nightmare cinema show me the way to get back home
Biju visu noklausījies neskaitāmas reizes un diezgan vēlu aptvēru...kaut ko. Tur taču teksts sastāv no citu dziesmu nosaukumiem un rindām! Visu laiku domāju, ko man tie vārdi atgādina...
Heh, tāda atklāsme, ka tagad varu iet gulēt pavisam mierīgi un mani vairs naktīs nenomoka šis jautājums :D
saprāts: miegs
skaņa: Dream Theater - Octavarium
is there anybody out there?