pleeka - September 17th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 17th, 2014

pardon my french - rather raw text [Sep. 17th, 2014|06:33 pm]
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funny shit - when no-one is around, you think: Oh, my how many thinks i could do now.
But when the big organizer (mother) is gone then. You wonder that actually the only really cool thing would be to pick something from the garden/forest or read/write/watch.

I was running around like crazy when she or anyone from the family-family was around. Had a feeling of "Something should be definitely done". Up to the level of physically "getting a fever" feeling. Or exploding. Into tears or anger. You choose.

I will jump.
They say - I'll take that flight.
I'm saying - I'll take this offer and do the jump.

and breath, breath, breath
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