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zvaigznes [Sep. 12th, 2013|03:14 pm]
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bija ierakstīts šīs nedēļas laikrakstā. man domāt, ka tas attiecināms vispārīgi, ne tikai īsam laika posmam.

“A good story should make you laugh, and a moment later break your heart,” wrote Chuck Palahniuk in his book Stranger Than Fiction. From what I can tell, Aries, the sequence is the reverse for you. In your story, the disruption has already happened. Next comes the part where you laugh. It may be a sardonic chuckle at first, as you become aware of the illusions you had been under before the jolt exposed them. Eventually I expect you will be giggling and gleeful, eternally grateful for the tricky luck that freed you to pursue a more complete version of your fondest dream.
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