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Kaķu spēciņš

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[22. Mar 2004|23:30]
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Sittin'on my own
Chewin'on a bone
A Thousand milion
Miles from Home
When something hit me
Somewhere right between the eyes

sleepin'on a plane
You know you can't complain
You took your last chance
Once again
I landed, stranded
Hardly even knew your name

I wanna talk tonight
until the morning light
'Bout how you saved my life
You and me see how we are
You and me see how we are
All your dreams are made
Of strawberry lemonade
And you make sure
I eat today
You take me walking To where you played
When you were young

I'll never say that I
Won't ever make you cry
And this I'll say
I don't know why
I know I'm leavin'
But I'll be back another day

I wanna talk tonight
Until the mornin' light
'BGout how you saved my life...

[User Picture]
Date:23. Marts 2004 - 15:37
tas ir skaistums!
skatos, ka esi ievērtējusi masterpalnu.
šī dziesma man dikti atgādina masāžu veiktu by homo elmarus.
[User Picture]
Date:23. Marts 2004 - 16:36
Man arī šī dziesma saistās ar ko ļoti skaistu un mazliet skumju, bet ļoti gaišu...
[User Picture]
Date:23. Marts 2004 - 18:09
noskaņas ziņā mazliet līdzīga muse - falling away with you mierīgajai daļai. arī tādas pozitīvas skumjas.
[User Picture]
Date:23. Marts 2004 - 18:40
Man liekas tā varētu būt dziesma, kas skanēs galvā, kad brauksim atpakaļ no Austrijas. vismaz man
[User Picture]
Date:23. Marts 2004 - 19:00
es pieļauju, ka man tad galvā skanēs skaņu jūklis no festivālā dzirdētajām dziesmām un citām skaņām
[User Picture]
Date:24. Marts 2004 - 17:34
[User Picture]
Date:24. Marts 2004 - 20:36
šmak :)