Kaķu spēciņš - 16. Septembris 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Kaķu spēciņš

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16. Septembris 2006

Is this...? /we love ourselves to death [16. Sep 2006|15:25]
[Current Music |King Creosote - Bootprints ( Hot Chip remix)]

see we're sneaking home
you've got your ripped jeans on
you leave doc bootprints on the lawn
swearing hard is this the girl i used to know
uncouth words i miss the girl that i fell for

we sit we think we drink we fall upstairs and dress confess the mess our lives are in
depressed we rest we jest we love ourselves to death but reek of garlic breath and to the bathroom next
we rush we flush we brush we splash on smells we squeeze we tease oh please let me take you now
but no suppose she knows we really ought to go she's picking up the phone just you wait 'til we get home

[16. Sep 2006|19:02]
[Current Music |Belle&Sebastina - Das Modell (Kraftwerk cover,live@Haldern)]

Kāds ir nozadzis manu mieru, un tagad es klīstu kā vājprātīga apkārt. Galva visu laiku ir pilna, aizķepusi. Salkans miegs, kafija, zili loki zem acīm (vēl lielāki nekā parsti), un domas atkal skrien kā neprātā, skrien un sapinās pašas sevī, tinās ap manu kaklu un velk uz leju.

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