Kaķu spēciņš - Full time friends and a part -time lovers [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Kaķu spēciņš

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Full time friends and a part -time lovers [16. Maijs 2008|20:03]
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[Current Music |The libertines]

Is it cruel or kind not to speak my mind,
and to lie to you rather than hurt you?
Well I'll confess all of my sins
after several large gins
but still I'll hide from you,
hide what's inside from you.

And alarm bells ring
when you say your heart still sings
when you're with me.
Won't you please forgive me?

But I no longer hear the music

And all the memories of the pubs
and the clubs and the drugs and the tubs
we shared together,
Will stay with me forever.

Date:17. Maijs 2008 - 04:17