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Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

    Time Event
    kāpēc trūkst man muļķība tik aplama.
    bet es sēžu kaila,jo savādāk slīkstu.
    visas kastītes izkritušas no klucīšiem.
    es nemāku.
    “My left arm. I wonder what they've done with it. When you cut a man’s arm off you have to do something with it. You can’t just leave it lying around. Do you send it to hospitals so you guys can pick it to pieces and see how an arm works? Do you wrap it up in an old newspaper and throw it onto the junk heap? Do you bury it? After all it’s a part of a man a very important part of a man and it should be treated respectfully. Do you take it out and bury it and say a little prayer? You should because it’s human flesh and it died young and it deserves a good sendoff.”
    -Dalton Trumbo Johnny Got His Gun

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