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Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

    Time Event
    "I'm like a frightened horse on a frozen lake."
    -Charlie Brooker

    pagājušas tikai 18 minūtes,bet jau tāda sajūta,ka tūlīt raudāšu no smiekliem.
    you're a groovy little thing,let me take you to the top of the mountain.
    bet tagad krāsas,formas un nekādas domas.
    jauku vakaru,es došos apceļot pasauli.
    I woke up weak today and needing your voice
    Crawled into the speakers and turned up the volume
    Felt so sick today but cured by your noise
    My head in the speakers is drowning out volumes

    Current Music: Robots In Disguise- Turn It Up

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