Petroviča Domu poligons
Sunday, April 27th, 2008

Date:2008-04-27 09:04
Subject:Japāņiem arī viskijs ir labākais pasaulē

Scotland loses "best whisky in world" title to Japan

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Date:2008-04-27 10:27

- Пап, а откуда в толчке берутся бактерии, которых уничтожает Доместос?
- Они берутся из Актимеля, сынок, его уже вторую неделю кушает наша мама.

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Date:2008-04-27 15:30

He would probably have settled on any beat up old truck, but everything she
seemed to like was way out of their price range.
"Look!" she said. "I want something that goes from 0 to 200 in just a few
seconds. Nothing else will do. My birthday is coming up so surprise me!"
He did just that. For her birthday, he bought her a brand new bathroom scale.
He will recover someday with a lot of rehab...

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