Petroviča Domu poligons
Friday, January 18th, 2008

Date:2008-01-18 08:40
Subject:Dilberta blogu lasot :)

Good Eatin’

The FDA has decided that meat from clones is safe.
This is a big relief, because I have a long term goal of cloning myself and then eating my clone. I don’t have a compelling reason to do it, but most goals are like that. No one really needs to run a marathon or collect beer mugs, but no one is complaining about them. There’s nothing wrong with wanting what you want.
I’m a vegetarian, but I think I would make an exception for my clone. My torso is already full of my guts. Putting a few more forkfuls in there seems like a trivial change.
My clone won’t have a soul, obviously, since clones are an abomination and not a product of God’s approved method of procreation. You can’t expect The Almighty to hand out souls to creatures made in a laboratory. Only real people get souls, and that means there’s no ethical dilemma with eating your clone. It’s just protein with an attitude.
The risk with this plan is that my clone is just like me, and tries to eat me first and assume my identity. But that’s a risk we’re both willing to take.
Do clones have souls?

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Date:2008-01-18 08:44

Спецоперация "Ледовое побоище"

Цепная реакция.

В Венгрии целый отряд полиции оказался в ледяной воде озера в результате неудачной попытки поймать грабителя. Как сообщает Ananova, женщина-полицейский Ани Косут погналась за грабителем через озеро, лед под ней подломился и она оказалась в воде. Прохожие вызвали других полицейских. Те по очереди пытались спасти Ани - и тоже проваливались.
В итоге бедным пожарным пришлось вытаскивать на сушу 30 полицейских.
Да, грабителя не поймали.

Грех смеяться.

UPD. Lai nebūtu plikvārdīgs, te arī Ananovas links:
Mok kādam angliski labāk lasās.

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