Date: | 2005-08-25 16:04 |
Subject: | Sakritības |
Security: | Public |
Year 1981
1. Prince Charles got married
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe
3. Pope Died.
Year 2005
1. Prince Charles got married (again)
2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe (again)
3. Pope Died.
In the future, if Prince Charles decides to re-marry or Liverpool needs another European crown ... please warn the Pope!
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Date: | 2005-08-25 22:08 |
Subject: | |
Security: | Public |
Interesanti, ko vēl iebūvēs mobilajā telefonā? - Speciālas funkcijas sievietēm
Kā noskaidroju - svara kontrole un grūtniecības noteicējs :)
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