ne tikai tā. - October 25th, 2007

Oct. 25th, 2007 01:32 pm the Promise If you wait for me then I'll come for you Although I've traveled far I always hold a place for you in my heart If you think of me If you miss me once in awhile Then I'll return to you I'll return and fill that space in your heart
I'll find my way back to you If you'll be waiting If you dream of me like I dream of you In a place that's warm and dark In a place where I can feel the beating of your heart
Your touch Your kiss Your warm embrace I'll find my way back to you Please say you'll be waiting
Together again It would feel so good to be In your arms Where all my journeys end If you can make a promise If it's one that you can keep, I vow to come for you If you wait for me and say you'll hold A place for me in your heart. Current Mood: apsolīgi Current Music: the Promise
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Oct. 25th, 2007 03:23 pm lai arī man jau sāp mēle, es graužu saules puķu sēklas, man ir melni nagi. un es skatos pa logu, bieži. drīz koki būs pavisam... pliki. gribas uzkrāsoties - tāpat vien. tā arī izdarīšu. ar MELNU zīmuli. tāpat vien. Leave a comment | |

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