(no subject)
Dec. 10th, 2008 | 03:56 pm
From:: watt
Heh, aizlīdu pat kādu pētījumu pameklēt (atradās no World Bank):
The SME share of GDP follows a similar trend increasing from
15.56% of GDP in the low-income countries to 51.45% in the high-income countries.
Therefore, an increase in SME sector’s contribution to employment is accompanied by an increase in its share of GDP as well.
http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.c fm?abstract_id=636547
The SME share of GDP follows a similar trend increasing from
15.56% of GDP in the low-income countries to 51.45% in the high-income countries.
Therefore, an increase in SME sector’s contribution to employment is accompanied by an increase in its share of GDP as well.