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[25. Nov 2010|21:13]
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Šodienas saruna ansamblī Scatology, kur esmu izpelnījusies Stjepko mīlestību. Uhh... Tas ir retums starp vokālistiem. Patiesībā iepriekš bija tikai viena - Anusha.
Ansambļa beigas :
Stjepko : Una. I don't know what you're doing, but keep doing that! Right SHIT starts to come out!!!!
Me : hmmm.... so what should i keep doing ?
S. : eat the same, sing the same, practise the same, if you don't do anything - keep doing it! Sleep in the same bed...
Me : ... and sleep with the same guy
( piebilde - Tuomo ir Stjepko absolūtais favorīts un ir viņa aizgādībā! )
smiekli visā klasē...
Anja : do you mean Finnish guys ? :D
S. : Whatever helps. If for others it could help ( uzbrauciens... ) , i should suggest all of you sleep with Tuomo :D

Smiekliiiigi :)
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