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23:47: tumšie mākoņi virs ozola..


[User Picture]
Date:2. Septembris 2009 - 11:05
Become curious.
Ask yourself - what interesting things I will learn from this?
Get excited to explore the possibilities..
[User Picture]
Date:11. Oktobris 2009 - 00:23
hmm.. what interesting things I cn learn from dog bites? :D
amm.. I have no idea! :D
[User Picture]
Date:11. Oktobris 2009 - 07:59
Ok, just forget it! I can't help you even if I wanted to. Because you don't want anything to change.

It's not about what has happened to you, it's about what you make out of it.
[User Picture]
Date:12. Oktobris 2009 - 00:27
..I can't forget it! I want change my life, but I'm too helpless now.
I need moral support, so that I could do it.
the last time, I feel so lonely, so empty..
..and from our discussions I feel the coolness,
maybe'm wrong, but it saddens me. :(
[User Picture]
Date:12. Oktobris 2009 - 11:26
No you don't! Ja tu tiešām vēlētos mainīt savu dzīvi, tad tu darītu visu iespējāmo, neiespējamo un neiedomājamo, lai to dabūtu gatavu. Ar šādām mūsu vēlmēm vienmēr tā ir, mēs sakām, ka kaut ko gribam, bet patiesībā gaidām tikai brīnumu. Es saku un atkārtoju - Es tev palīdzēt nevaru. Un neviens cits arī nevar. Sev vari palīdzēt tikai tu pats. Ja vien patiešām, patiešām vēlies un esi gatavs pielikt visas pūles, ko šada savas dzīves mainīšana prasītu.
You'll be helpless as long as you think you're helpless.
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