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10. Maijs 2005|09:17

Gee I’m glad it's raining,
there's always something to be thankful for.
I'm awfully glad it's raining,
cause no-one sees your teardrops when it pours.
And no one knows the thunder,
is your heartbreak in disguise,
they think the rainy night's,
what put that sad look in your eyes.
Sure I’m glad it's raining,
the gentle river sooths the pain inside.
I'm glad the stars aren't shining,
a wounded warrior needs a place to hide.
I thought I had found someone
I could count on till the end
what they wanted was a hero,
all I needed was a friend
Gee I’m glad it's raining,
I hope the morning sun won't come up soon.
As long as it keeps raining,
No one knows my heart broke right in two,
I thought I had found someone
I could count on till the end
what they wanted was a hero,
all I needed was a friend
Sure I’m glad it's raining
I’m awfully glad it's raining.
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