I don't really mind being here with my mind [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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A heart on a potato [Sep. 15th, 2015|11:33 pm]
[Sajūtas |artistic]
[Skaņas |Sleep Dealer]

It's deep in the ground. Waiting.
LinkIt's dark in here

[Sep. 8th, 2015|12:38 am]
[Skaņas |Yuki Kaijura - The BEST of Fate/Zero ]

Tik jokaini, ka neviena chokolaade taa liidz galam sheit negarsho
LinkIt's dark in here

[Sep. 4th, 2015|11:56 pm]
Juutu, ka atkal viss ir. Ir prieks un dziive. Nom
LinkIt's dark in here

Monochrome sky [Aug. 23rd, 2015|01:43 pm]
[Sajūtas |accomplished]

Finally away from the place where heartbreaks happened. This one is clean and bright and warm. Let it stay that way.
LinkIt's dark in here

Its not even New Years yet [Aug. 20th, 2015|11:42 pm]
[Sajūtas |awake]
[Skaņas |Olafur Arnalds - Hands be still]

But it's time for some new goals.

*Do not leave myself out of it. It's okay to be selfish.
*Speak my mind more often, even if that can affect somebody. Sugar coating is a sin in the long run.
*I too, have a dark side. There are no cookies.
*I am at my strongest when on my own.
*Learn to care less. Thus comes the freedom.
LinkIt's dark in here

I feel [Aug. 17th, 2015|11:03 pm]

I should search professional help.
This isn't good. I can feel it.
Link2 Oh, I see|It's dark in here

The wait. [Aug. 11th, 2015|03:34 pm]
[Sajūtas | sad]
[Skaņas |Low Roar - Because we have to]

Tas ir vēl sliktāk kā gaidīt zobu izraušanu :/
LinkIt's dark in here

INFJ [Aug. 7th, 2015|08:22 pm]
[Sajūtas | calm]
[Skaņas |Juli - Warum]

The concept of 'poetic justice' is appealing to me.
Such type. Many wow.
LinkIt's dark in here

Būt atpakaļ [Aug. 6th, 2015|08:40 pm]
Tukšā pilsētā
Tukšā dzīvoklī
Tukšā istabā
Tas ir tikai sākums. Velc un veido. Kā dzirnas malt.
Link2 Oh, I see|It's dark in here

I'm done [Jul. 13th, 2015|02:11 am]
[Sajūtas | angry]
[Skaņas |Silbermond cheese]

I'm done. SO DONE!


wasd. is not the question. wasd. is the answer. wasd. is the key to life.
LinkIt's dark in here

My brain: [Jul. 9th, 2015|02:27 am]
[Tags|, ]
[Sajūtas | weird]
[Skaņas |Faux Tales - Atlas]

Breakfast procrastination,
Sheep and
Good source of existential despair.
LinkIt's dark in here

Baths are wondrous things [Jul. 5th, 2015|11:06 pm]
[Sajūtas |accomplished]
[Skaņas |Saycet - Volcano]

Izlasīju Laimočkas blogu. Tik jauki, ka viņa izbauda to neticami trauslo laiku Latvijā pilnībā baudot dzīvi. Zaļš, zils, gaišs, pilnīgs. Dzīve ir absolūta un nepielaužama, bet tik skaista. Izvēle pēc izvēles. Kur mēs nokļūstam? Par ko mēs pārvēršamies? Pieugt un taustīt,sagaršot, izjust, izlemt.
Vast and indescribable. Love for everything starts with you. Im excited to see what happens next.
LinkIt's dark in here

Whinewhinewhine [Jul. 3rd, 2015|05:34 pm]
[Sajūtas | sore]
[Skaņas |Will.I.Am - Feelin' Myself]

Kā var šitādā siltā, samērā jaukā laikā saslimt. Nu wtf vienkārši. A uz darbu tāpat jāiet, bļe.
LinkIt's dark in here

[Jun. 29th, 2015|12:30 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Sajūtas | calm]
[Skaņas |Maybeshewill - This Time Last Year]

If anxiety is hugging you tightly, you need to shake it off politely and slip away.
Such a waste of time.

'' I'm talking about not covering every square inch of populated America with houses and strip malls until you can't even remember what happens when you stand in a meadow at dusk.

What happens in the meadow at dusk?

Nothing (Everything)
Nothing (Everything)
Nothing (Everything)''
LinkIt's dark in here

Free [Jun. 16th, 2015|12:08 pm]
[Sajūtas |awake]
[Skaņas |Raised by Swans - Hail of Arrows]

I feel so free it's almost criminal :D
Link2 Oh, I see|It's dark in here

Darba ikdiena [Jun. 6th, 2015|11:08 pm]
[Sajūtas | bitchy]
[Skaņas |The Sound Poets - Emīlija]

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.
LinkIt's dark in here

[Jun. 1st, 2015|12:35 pm]
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[Sajūtas | blank]
[Skaņas |Hammock - I can almost see you]

Redzēju rudzupuķes, bet viņas neredzēja mani. Buntītēs tirgū. Ar cenu, ar neīstu mērķi, bez noieta. Vakarā taps izmestas. Apburtais loks. Apburtais logs - skatos iekšā, bet neredzu to, kas patiesībā notiek.
Māju melanholija.
LinkIt's dark in here

Moomin character test [May. 21st, 2015|01:30 pm]

You don’t care for material possessions – if you find something beautiful, you would rather write a poem about it, than own it.

You are truly regarded as a friend by others and they appreciate the wisdom you hold. You may get anxious if your personal space is invaded and you often want a little peace and quiet.

Ļoti ļoti..

Bet arī Muminmāmiņa. Maybe even more so.
LinkIt's dark in here

Two moon butterflies [May. 21st, 2015|12:51 pm]
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[Sajūtas | mellow]
[Skaņas |Koan - Pearl island]

Jocīgas brokastis. Avokado + kaltēta rupjmaize + ''Kārums" + mazītiņa medniekdesiņa. I think I feel a bit ill.. xD
Ir diena. Ir nediena. Pelēks. Vienzilbju teikumi liek justies sasodīti poētiskai. Apathetic.
Ripināt dzīvi no kalna.
LinkIt's dark in here

Hahahaha [May. 15th, 2015|01:49 pm]
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[Sajūtas | amused]
[Skaņas |Rezonate - Ash]

I'm a tomato.
TAVEGYL to the rescue!
Link3 Oh, I see|It's dark in here

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