I don't really mind being here with my mind [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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So much praise [Aug. 4th, 2016|06:32 pm]
I did a good today *proudpuffs*
LinkIt's dark in here

Tired tired [Aug. 1st, 2016|08:36 pm]
[Sajūtas | jubilant]
[Skaņas |Alizzz - Your Love (Hoodboi Remix)]

First day of my new life.
Nerf dis.
But somehow good.
Celebratory steak.
LinkIt's dark in here

Shh [Jul. 30th, 2016|10:07 pm]
[Sajūtas | calm]
[Skaņas |Sigur Ros - Sæglópur]

I will never tell you but I'm still in love.
LinkIt's dark in here

The long way back [Jul. 29th, 2016|12:53 pm]
Is this my home now?

Bija daudz mīļuma, par daudz ēdiena un par maz saules, bet vidējais aritmētiskais sanāk pozitīvs.
Šeit ir tik zemi mākoņi.
LinkIt's dark in here

[Jul. 5th, 2016|02:11 pm]
[Sajūtas |amazed]
[Skaņas |Zankyou no terror Ost - Birden Feat. Arnor Dan ]

Īslandiešu mūzika ir tik tik skaista.
Sākot ar vecajiem labajiem Sigur Ros, Low Roar un manu mīļo atklājumu Olafur Ārnalds. Tik ļoti.
Must be the loneliness. Loneliness creates beautiful things.
LinkIt's dark in here

[Jun. 30th, 2016|01:17 pm]
I've been washed upon your shores once again.
This is where I made my home.
Even though you broke my bones.
Stumbling, falling over sun-bleached stones.
LinkIt's dark in here

Sigh [Jun. 24th, 2016|01:14 pm]
[Sajūtas | scared]

Njā, referendums ir bijis samērā baiss. Ksenofobija visur. Prieks par Skotiju. Cerams būs indyref2. Dirsā Angliju un Velsu.
Halifax cilvēki vienmēr ir bijuši procentuāli daudz rasistiskāki un stulbāki anyway. No regrets there.
Link2 Oh, I see|It's dark in here

Jāņi? [Jun. 22nd, 2016|01:12 pm]
Nu kaut kā tā. Uz to pusi vismaz. It's something.
LinkIt's dark in here

Can't unhear.. [Jun. 16th, 2016|05:24 pm]
[Sajūtas | quixotic]
[Skaņas |Crywolf - Slow burn]

I can't escape the nya!
LinkIt's dark in here

But how DO you think of love? [Jun. 13th, 2016|10:52 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Sajūtas | nostalgic]
[Skaņas |Coldplay - O Fly On]

..you don't.
You just feel.
LinkIt's dark in here

Memories [Jun. 8th, 2016|12:52 am]
[Sajūtas | reminiscent]
[Skaņas |ngrid Michaelson -Corner of Your Heart]

They don't hurt. They heal.
Link1 Oh, I see|It's dark in here

Home [May. 25th, 2016|11:39 am]
Lets have the best week ever!
LinkIt's dark in here

And suddenly [May. 21st, 2016|03:23 pm]
[Sajūtas |indescribable]
[Skaņas |Tom Day - Going Home]

I know I want to inspire people. How did I ever forget?
LinkIt's dark in here

Epic [May. 20th, 2016|10:00 am]
[Sajūtas |awake]
[Skaņas |Koven - From the Start]

The Coven is alive!

LinkIt's dark in here

[May. 18th, 2016|10:04 am]
what is this and why does this always happen to me?
LinkIt's dark in here

Normāls brainderp [May. 14th, 2016|12:41 am]
[Skaņas |Echosmith - Cool Kids]

Pēkšņi galīgi apmulsu un nesaprotu, vai man ir jābrauc līdz Glasgow Queen street vai Central xD
LinkIt's dark in here

[May. 7th, 2016|11:08 am]
Hahaha, vakars bija samērā episks iekš Graduate Show. Award no SEGA arī par sliktu nenāk. Lai gan ieķiķināju, ka tas jau tikai ''deķītis'' vien ir. Galva gan šodien sāp. Ballēt ir nopietna lieta.
Link2 Oh, I see|It's dark in here

ITS DONE! [Apr. 28th, 2016|01:36 pm]
[Sajūtas |accomplished]
[Skaņas |Olafur Arnalds - Improvisations]

Disertācija ir pabeigta, iesūtīta, tagad tik jāsagaida, kad varēs iešūt vāciņos and I'm done.. for good.. Kur palika mans laiks ?
Link2 Oh, I see|It's dark in here

STAR WARS ARE BEING TAKEN OVER BY FEMINISM /r [Apr. 20th, 2016|02:29 pm]
[Sajūtas | nauseated]
[Skaņas |Hangdrums]

Masculinity isn't being unemotional, heterosexual, competitive and dominant. That's traditional bullshit.
Masculinity is being caring, understanding, thoughtful and encouraging.
Link2 Oh, I see|It's dark in here

I believe in good luck [Apr. 17th, 2016|11:59 am]

kad tēja ir tik tuvu, grūti izrāpties no gultas.
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