"not very nice, but necessary"

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jaunais Peace-Duke seko priekšteču pēdās:

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We have seen all this before:
• The Spanish-American War was justified with an alleged attack on the U.S.S. Maine. In reality, the ship was sunk by an internal explosion.
• The U.S. entrance into World War I was justified with the "Zimmerman Telegram", claiming Germans were plotting to invade the U.S. with Mexico. The telegram was later proven to be a fraud.
• The Vietnam War was justified with the "Gulf of Tonkin"incident claiming Vietnam had attacked a U.S. ship. It was later proved that the alleged attack never actually took place.
• In 1983, the U.S. invasion of Grenada was based on allegations that the government was planning to murder U.S. medical students. This was proven to be complete fiction.
• In 1989, the U.S. overthrow of the government of Panama was based on false allegations about drugs and attacks on U.S. troops.
• The U.S./NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was justified with reports of with unsubstantiated reports of genocide in Serbia. A great number of these reports have been totally discredited.
• The Gulf War of 1991 was justified with false reports of Iraqi War crimes in Kuwait. The "babies thrown from incubators" stories that filled the TV news, were proven to be totally false.
• In 1991, the U.S. used satellite photos to claim that Iraq was amassing soldiers to invade Saudi Arabia. The photos were proven later to have been complete forgeries.
• The U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan was justified in the name of fighting a "war on terror" after Sept.11. None of the people who allegedly carried out the 9/11 attacks had any connections with Afghanistan or its government.
• The U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 was based on reports of "weapons of mass destruction" and "chemical and biological weapons." After the U.S. invaded, killing thousands of innocent people, it was proven that Iraq never had any such weapons.
• The U.S. intervention in Libya was justified with claims of genocide and rape. Now that the Libyan government has been overthrown and thousands innocent Libyans killed, many of these reports have also been thoroughly discredited.
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