"not very nice, but necessary"

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no intervijas ar Austra dziedātāju:

"So do you see words as another note with the sound being more important than what they mean?

Katie Stelmanis: Yeah, kind of. On my first recordings I didn't write lyrics. It was just a lot of gibberish. Then I realised that people really like listening to lyrics. I never listen to lyrics. To me it's 100 per cent about the vocal line and the melodies and it's all about finding words that fit into that. I look for words that have a vowel that fit a particular line, rather than words that prompt you to think about what I'm saying."

In my jaunībā arī klausījos daudz viss ko....uun teksti nenozīmēja gandrīz neko - tā kā šim punktam totāli piekrītu.
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