Every decoding is another encoding - Stuart, Sim. Fundamentalist World: The New Dark Age of Dogma. Quote [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Stuart, Sim. Fundamentalist World: The New Dark Age of Dogma. Quote [May. 15th, 2011|11:30 am]
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Abortion clinics and animal-testing laboratories have been blown up, doctors and scientists killed and injured, in the name of purity of thought and deed. In one of the most celebrated cases, Paul Hill, a one-time minster, shot the doctor John Britton and his bodyguard outside a Pensacola, Florida clinic in 1994. Hill went on to become a hero to anti-abortion extremists, defending his action in an essay entitled 'I Shot an Abortionist' and showing no remorse at all for his crime, for which he was eventually executed September 2003.
It has been estimated that 1,750 assaults and 50 murders have been commited by the pro-life movement in America over the last 25 years.

* Manā tekstā šīs rindiņas ir pasvītrotas un tam pieraskīts liels uzraksts SICK. Ar biezu līniju apvilkti vārdi 'pro-life movement'. Cik ironiski patiesībā.
Gribētos kādreiz satikt kādu kuram ir šādi uzskati, lai gan tad droši vien es tiktu nogalināta uz līdzenas vietas.
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