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D. Ašā

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[Apr. 29th, 2011|08:24 pm]
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Netīšām atvēru pierakstus un ko es tur atrodu? Pasniedzējas domu graudus, kas gan ir kaut kur nozagti droši vien.

*What is the difference between a fin and a Finn? The first one is that thing you see on the water before you die, the other.. well... a nation which comes to Latvia to drink.

* If there is 1 mouse and 2 mice, why there cannot be 1 house and 2 hice? (Šis gan ir ņemts no mūzikas skaņām, ja nemaldos, bet varbūt maldos)

Tā mēs sasmējāmies lekcijā par valodas jociņiem.
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