astrālais ķermenis kedās
29 September 2020 @ 06:57 pm
Nez, kāds klimats ir mizan-tropu mājā..
astrālais ķermenis kedās
26 August 2020 @ 09:39 am
Vakar lasīju Ījaba grāmatu, šis kaut kā mani aizķēra par (aktuālo) tēmu: padomdošana sociālajos tīklos
"Kā tu nu esi palīdzējis tam, kam pašam nav spēka, kā esi atbalstījis to, kā elkonis ir vājš! Kādu padomu tu nu esi sniedzis tam, kam nav paša gudrības, un cik lielā pārpilnībā tu viņam esi cēlis priekšā savas zināšanas! Kā priekšā tu esi uzstājies ar pamācīgu runu, un kā gars ir runājis no tevis?
Ījaba 26:2‭-‬4
astrālais ķermenis kedās
24 August 2020 @ 02:15 pm
Ļoti reti skatos filmas, bet vakarvakara "The Biggest little farm" bija dikti laba. Ar pēcgaršu un uzrāvienu turpināt.
astrālais ķermenis kedās
17 August 2020 @ 08:12 pm
Interesanti zināt, Ķiģelis, uzrakstot "Līviem" dziesmu ar dziļi kristīgo Treimaņa-Zvārguļa dzejoli, darīja to ar nolūku, vai ar desu*..

(-Skolotāj, Pēterītis manu maizīti iemeta upē!
- Ar nolūku?
- Nē, ar desu!)
astrālais ķermenis kedās
14 June 2020 @ 09:58 pm
"In contrast, critical theory is associated with a metanarrative that runs from oppression to liberation: We are members either of a dominant group or of a marginalized group with respect to a given identity marker. As such, we either need to divest ourselves of power and seek to liberate others, or we need to acquire power and liberate ourselves by dismantling all structures and institutions that subjugate and oppress. In critical theory, the greatest sin is oppression, and the greatest virtue is the pursuit of liberation."
astrālais ķermenis kedās
23 May 2020 @ 09:04 pm
"He asked a few fellow physicists who were also Christians about it and they told him there was nothing to worry about, and that it was people in the arts and humanities who were struggling to reconcile their faith with their studies. Indeed, when Russell eventually started lecturing in the Cambridge physics department, he attended an annual dinner that his church held for members who were also university faculty. There were 23 faculty at the dinner and 22 of them were scientists - with "one very worried-looking historian!"
Far from being incompatible, from Russell's point of view, his faith and his science go hand-in-hand:

"Some people view faith as being one explanation of the world and science as another. It's a turf war...But I don't believe they're competing explanations, I think they're parallel explanations."

Indeed, rather than squeezing God out, Russell sees advances in scientific knowledge as magnifying God's glory: "Understanding more of science doesn't make God smaller. It allows us to see His creative activity in more detail." (See Russell's TEDx talk on Nanotechnology, Creation and God.)"
astrālais ķermenis kedās
19 May 2020 @ 10:26 pm
Šodien uz debesu mājām devies Ravijs. Jaudīgs, zinošs un dikti labs tēvocis. No Indijas.