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tests from Allah [Jul. 2nd, 2013|08:58 pm]
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Bigger or smaller, we face them everyday. Sometimes you realise it was a test after you've failed it. Mash'Allah if you're lucky enough to read the signs, and show Allah you deserve to call yourself Muslim.

Date:July 4th, 2013 - 08:45 am
Tu tā baigi nopietni tai Allaha lietai pieej. Sāk rasties ticamība, ka tev patiešām tā lieta rūp.
[User Picture]
Date:July 14th, 2013 - 12:19 am
A ieprieksh nebija ticamiibas? :D

Es jau zinu, ka daudz shkjiet, ka mana konverteeshanaas cieshi saistiita ar manaam attieciibaam. :D