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Feb. 18th, 2010 | 11:06 am
mood: groovy, baby, groovy
music: Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Karn Evil
So, ladies and gentlemen, I give you...The Vatican's Top Ten Albums of All Time
10. Carlos Santana "Supernatural"
9. Oasis " (What's the Story) Morning Glory"
8. U2 "Achtung baby"
7. Paul Simon "Graceland"
6. Michael Jackson "Thriller"
5. Donald Fagen "The Nightfly"
4. Fleetwood Mac "Rumors"
3. Pink Floyd "Dark side of the Moon"
2. David Crosby "If I could remember your name"
Un pirmajā vietā:
1. The Beatles "Revolver"
Izrādās, ka Vatikānonkuļiem tomēr ir samērā laba mūzikas gaume. Man gan īsti nelīmējas kopā, teiksim, mūsu Jānis Pujats, kurš savā cellē sēž un klausās "Dark side of the Moon"
But then... maybe it's just me..