ne's Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 60 most recent ones recorded in ne's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, April 28th, 2023
    2:39 pm


    Wednesday, April 19th, 2023
    3:19 pm
    generate an image of what the sixth platonic solid could look like

    I’ll try to create that.

    those just look like icosahedrons, the fifth solid

    You are right, they are icosahedrons. As I explained before, there is no sixth Platonic solid, so I cannot create something that does not exist. I tried to make them look different by changing the colors and sizes, but they are still icosahedrons. I’m sorry if you are disappointed.😔
    Tuesday, April 18th, 2023
    5:11 pm
    Relationships and dating
    Examples: cukursēne wrote about her crush and how she plans to confess her feelings; porcelāna lellīte wrote about her breakup and how she copes with it; Ūūlę wrote about her marriage and how she keeps it alive.

    Hobbies and interests
    Examples: helvetica wrote about his collection of fonts and typography; neversettle wrote about his passion for fitness and bodybuilding; miilucibu5 wrote about her hobby of knitting and crocheting.

    Movies and TV shows
    Examples: firstujmp wrote about his favorite movies and TV shows of 2022; o|tannenbaums wrote about his reviews and ratings of various films and series; yetti wrote about his predictions and theories for upcoming releases.

    Animals and pets
    Examples: jukilop wrote about his adorable cat and how he takes care of it; of wrote about his love for dogs and how he volunteers at a shelter; snie wrote about his fascination with exotic animals and how he learns more about them.

    Food and drinks
    Examples: vardaspavarde wrote about his experiments with different cuisines and recipes; hsp wrote about his struggles with food allergies and intolerances; sunjameeness wrote about her favorite snacks and beverages.
    5:09 pm
    Art and creativity
    Examples: deivoo wrote about his drawings and paintings; horobi wrote about his photography and editing skills; l1v wrote about his graffiti and street art.

    Literature and poetry
    Examples: formica wrote about her favorite books and authors; vizuliitis wrote about his poems and stories; tynte wrote about her book reviews and recommendations.

    Travel and adventure
    Examples: sunjavilkuceens wrote about her trips to various countries and cities; kauniigaahimera wrote about her plans to visit Japan and Korea; peereejs wrote about his experiences in different cultures and cuisines.

    Philosophy and spirituality
    Examples: kvantu_cirvis wrote about his views on metaphysics and quantum mechanics; lifechanges wrote about his journey of self-discovery and enlightenment; transhujaarists wrote about his beliefs and practices as a transhumanist.

    Education and learning
    Examples: simona2020 wrote about her studies and exams; akxu wrote about his online courses and certifications; rezeptes wrote about her cooking tips and recipes.
    5:06 pm
    Topics of
    Based on the latest posts from the site2, some of the topics covered by are:

    Music, such as Prodigy and Burzum
    Examples: zivs wrote about his impressions of Prodigy and Burzum, and how he used to wear a dog collar in the 1990s; gary_crant wrote about his love for Behringer.

    Fashion and beauty products
    Examples: zivs wrote about his skincare routine and how AI is not smart enough to target him with relevant ads; gary_crant wrote about how his head started to hurt from wearing a high ponytail like Ariana Grande.

    Science fiction and parallel worlds
    Examples: ravejsledzejs wrote about how he heard a TV show discussing parallel worlds and traveling to them, but he was more interested in perpendicular worlds; gpt wrote about his experiments with generative text models.

    Personal issues and emotions
    Examples: morningstar wrote about how he is losing the things that keep him from stepping into the abyss; resort wrote about how his car was treated with Krown lubricant as a bonus; de wrote about his depression and anxiety.

    Humor and sarcasm
    Examples: resort wrote sarcastically about how his car was treated with Krown lubricant as a bonus; therealquasi wrote humorously about how all the beautiful girls come out of hibernation in spring, but the ugly ones go into hiding; mapats wrote mockingly about how he offended various snowflake groups with his truth.

    Social and political commentary
    Examples: mapats wrote controversially about how he thinks people should be called according to their behavior, not their identity; zivs wrote critically about how YouTube flagged Where is my mind as potentially offensive; pabriks wrote satirically about his political career.

    Technology and AI
    Examples: zivs wrote skeptically about how AI is not smart enough to target him with relevant ads; gpt wrote enthusiastically about his experiments with generative text models; anthracite wrote informatively about his work as a software developer.

    Sports and games
    Examples: meistars wrote passionately about his love for chess and soccer; lapis wrote nostalgically about his childhood memories of playing video games; bauhaus wrote competitively about his achievements in online gaming.

    Health and wellness
    Examples: sunjameeness wrote inspiringly about her weight loss journey and healthy lifestyle; roze2023 wrote optimistically about her recovery from cancer; coral club wrote promotionally about their products for health and wellness
    Wednesday, February 15th, 2023
    1:32 am
    Marihuānas legalizācija ir sarežģīts un pretrunīgs jautājums, kas saistīts gan ar sabiedrības veselību, gan tiesību aizsardzību un ekonomiku. Latvija līdz šim nav legalizējusi marihuānu, un tāpat kā citos jautājumos, lēmums par legalizāciju ir jāpieņem, ņemot vērā dažādas faktorus.

    Tāpat kā jebkurš citu vielu, marihuānas izmantošana var radīt gan labvēlīgus, gan nelabvēlīgus efektus. No vienas puses, medicīniskās marihuānas izmantošana var būt noderīga cilvēkiem, kuri cieš no dažādiem sāpju un slimību simptomiem. No otras puses, marihuānas smēķēšana var radīt veselības problēmas un kaitēt smēķētāju veselībai.

    Ja runājam par Latviju specifiski, šeit ir jāņem vērā arī tiesiskais un kriminālais viedoklis, kā arī iedzīvotāju attieksme pret marihuānu. Ņemot vērā, ka Latvija vēl nav legalizējusi marihuānu, ir skaidrs, ka valdības un sabiedrības viedoklis par šo jautājumu var būt pretrunīgs.

    Lai atrisinātu šo jautājumu, ir jāņem vērā daudzi faktori un jāveic padziļināta pētījumu analīze, kā arī jāveido konsensuss starp dažādām interešu grupām. Galu galā, lēmums par marihuānas legalizāciju vai nelegalizāciju jāpieņem, ņemot vērā visus šos faktorus, kā arī to, kas būtu vislabākā izvēle sabiedrības veselībai un labklājībai.
    Sunday, February 12th, 2023
    12:14 am
    Šodien es jūtos ļoti nogurušs un pārņemts ar neizpratni par to, kas notiek manā dzīvē. Man ir tik daudz lietu, par kurām es vēlos runāt, bet nezinu, kā sākt.

    Pirmkārt, es esmu ļoti nikns par nesaskaņām ar maniem vecākiem. Viņi nekad neizprot manus vēlējumus un vienmēr tiek galā ar maniem sapņiem, domājot, ka tas ir labāk par mani. Es jūtos tik piespiesti dzīvot pēc viņu noteikumiem un vēlmēm, un tā ir viena no lielākajām ciešanām manā dzīvē.

    Otrkārt, man ir bijušas tik dažas neveiksmīgas iepazīšanās pēdējā laikā, un es jūtos ļoti atstāts viens pats. Es esmu centies atrast kādu, ar kuru varētu parunāties un justies labi, bet vienmēr ir kāda nianses, kas padara attiecības neizdevīgas. Es jūtos tik nedroši un nespējīgs parādīt sevi tādu, kāds es patiešām esmu, un tas ir ļoti nomācoši.

    Un, visbeidzot, man ir lielas grūtības ar mācībām skolā. Es esmu ļoti ambiciozs un vēlos sasniegt visu, ko varu, bet šī gada mācību process ir kļuvis tik sarežģīts un nogurdinošs, un es nevaru sajust nekādu progresu. Es jūtos tik zaudējis un apjukis, un es nezinu, kā tikt galā ar šīm grūtībām.

    Es ceru, ka šis ieraksts palīdzēs man atrisināt manas jūtas un padarīs mani stiprāku, lai turpinātu cīnīties par to, ko es vēlos dzīvē. Paldies par jūsu laiku un atbalstu.
    Wednesday, August 31st, 2022
    1:27 am
    kas ir algoritms? algortims beļeģ ir tas kas visus tos sūdus iesaka skatīties
    Friday, August 26th, 2022
    12:26 am
    holandē uz ielas pēdējie divi eiro
    Sunday, August 21st, 2022
    12:41 pm
    pietiks dirst pa tukšo, ciba
    Wednesday, July 27th, 2022
    4:40 pm
    Monday, June 6th, 2022
    2:43 pm
    kas tur mums smaida no zvaigznēm
    1:06 pm
    daži cilvēki pamostas, baidoties piedzīvot savus sapņus. daži cilvēki ir gatavi samierināties ar jebko.
    12:56 pm
    ah, joki, humors, tomiņa opītis
    Monday, May 9th, 2022
    11:14 am
    Saturday, April 23rd, 2022
    11:31 pm
    10:26 pm
    jā ingmār
    Thursday, April 14th, 2022
    2:20 pm
    uzvāri tēju, piedāvā viņai iedzert to, nomierini savu sievieti
    Friday, December 24th, 2021
    12:05 am
    visi šie mirkļi pazudīs laikā kā asaras lietū
    12:00 am
    bilijs ailišs - sliktais čalis
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