
Life long story

4/15/11 04:43 pm - 15.04.11

Kā parasti. Tas ko vēlos nepiebildās un tas, ko negaidu notiek. Labāk neko negaidīt. Un tas jau vairs neattiecas tikai uz cilvēkiem, bet uz visu.

Dear diary - I s#ck. I am Ms. Nobody and I can't do anything right.

Yeah. Funny.
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8/9/10 01:06 am - This is stupid.

And I'm sitting here, in war with myself. The ice I'm walking is so plan. I see the cracks already. More I think about it more empty I feel, actually I don't understand what to feel right now. Shall I punish myself or let the anger take place or pretend that it didn't get me at all. Numb.



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