
Life long story

10/17/10 11:42 pm - 17.10.10

If you want to get something done, you have an idea - don't keep it locked up in your mind - just make it happen no matter how crazy it might be.


Yesterday I was listening to stories of other people, some where afraid to tell them, some maybe didn't have much to say, but I know everything will come to them, they will discover themselves. They are deffinitely personalities already. It reminded me few years ago and I still learn and discover a lot, and I always will.

6/25/10 11:48 pm - 25.06.10

Iztīriju veco kompi. Daudz visa kā bija sakrājies, visādas aizmirstas lietas, pat atradās daži short storiji, par kuriem biju pilnībā aizmirsusi. It made me think that maybe I should write something like that again. :)

Have to work on my will, it is still pretty gone.
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