
Life long story

7/29/10 06:41 pm - 29.07.10

Laikam esmu palikusi vienīgā tā teikt stulbā, kas kaut ko turpina strādāt. Pārējie var darīt ko grib, kad grib un kā grib. Jā, man vajag kaut ko nopelnīt, lai pēc tam varētu izvilkt ziemu. And that is why I do what I do.

I feel freakin' bored. I need changes. And I guess I won't be able to stay here any longer, I have so much stuff to do at the city, at home and I can't wait to get my hands dirty. So next week I go home and that is my final decidion. I can't think of anything else. Jeesh! Thats it.
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