
Life long story

4/29/12 10:22 pm - Stand strong

Turos. Šorīt pamodos un jutos tik draņķīgi. Atkal gribējās vainot sevi par visu, kas bijis un izbijis. Vajadzēja krietnu laiku, lai saņemtos atkal un kaut ko visāpr sāktu darīt. Biju ārā pastaigāties un izvēdināt prātu.

Es biju gatava dot, bet otra puse nē. End of story. Tikai tizli, ka procesā gandrīz pazaudējos un ļāvu sevi locīt un mocīt kā tik tīk. Tā tam nevajadzēja būt, bet tas pieredzei. Line stands - Get over it!

Man ir superīgākie draugi, bez viņiem es nezinu ko iesāktu.

Just need little time to stand strong again, to raise and be the person I want to be. Not the stepping stone.

4/21/12 03:34 am - You deserve more...

Just know what you are really worth. So many people have reminded me. It feels good to know there are actually people out there who appreciate my values and who I am. Gives me courage to continue and grow more.

It is funny, how one said once, that I need to be more social and make more friends. I never like to throw myself on people. I always wait for right time, and when I make friends, they really are my friends. I don't need friends who I say hello sometimes and ask how I am. I need friends who can be there for me when I need support, and same, I can be there for them.

Most of all - just be yourself. It always works.

"- Why don't you let people see good in you? -
- Because when people see good, they expect good... and I don't want to have live up to anyones expectations.-" Kā naglai uz galvas.

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