
Life long story

10/26/12 01:38 am - Day: 5

Jā, vēl aizvien dusmojos. Kāpēc? Pārāk ilgi nedusmojoties var uznākt lēkmes. Pāries. 

Strādāšu, lai varētu atkal sakrāmēt ceļa somas un doties pasaulē laimi meklēt. Kāpēc? Dārgie tāpēc, ka nespēju dzīvot gaidot. 

Lūk, paņemšu mačeti un iešu karot ar tiem ērkšķiem, lai tiktu pie tām sen kārotajām zvaigznēm.

3 dienu gavēnis otro reizi. Cheers.

Revidējot mūzikas mapes, atklājās, ka man ir diezgan daudz labas mūzikas. Daudz piemirsies.

7/25/10 11:24 pm - 25.07.10

I welcomed the day as on of those magical and nice ones. But it almost killed me at one point. I just love all of my family and would do everything to keep it safe and in one piece. Sometimes I don't really understand why people do what they do even if it hurts so many people. I will be honest and say - I hate those people! And I'm not the one that sees only bad things in people, in fact I always try to see the good stuff in everyone, but if you hurt me or someone who is dear and precious to me I won't be forgiving and loving person, my anger is so great that I could do ugly things if I would set it free and I'm so scared of it. Today I almost did and it almost killed me. It hurts so bad. Thank you Lord for giving me strenght to live trough it all and thank you all for talkin me out of it. It made me realize that there are always more peacful ways.

I can love til infinity, I am and I will.

1/27/10 01:46 am - Anger

Yesterday I was angry again about some things people said and what wasn't kinda fair. I hate when people do that. I forgot how it was, to be angry. I used to be so angry all the time before my great changes. Cold, arrogant and filled with anger, it was my safety wall from all the world and nobody else knew better than me how to use all those things to protect myself. Yesterday that part of me spoke again, but this time I was able to hide my great anger form others much better, even if it made me feel like I could walk up to the walls and punch someone in face, I did pulled myslef together much more esier.
I am very passioned person and maybe finaly I have learned how to control myself a little bit better. It took a long way and it is still in development, but it is nice to finally realize that I have made some progress after all.
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