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2015.10.21 12.53 Atbildība. 'Jāmainās vienmēr ir tam, kurš grib izmaiņas.' |
2015.10.21 01.27 # Viss pulsē, viss pāriet. Gan labais, gan sliktais. Un tikpat ļoti ir taisnība, ka nekas nepāriet. Savā ziņā attiecībās viss ir taisnība, atkarīgs tikai, ko pats izvēlies. |
2015.09.08 01.00 # Tikai neskaties acīs. Nevienam neskaties. Viss sākas ar tām. |
2015.08.17 09.52 # Viņš reizēm manis teikto laiž gar ausīm. Un neuztver mani nopietni. Un visbiežāk tas ir vislabākais, ko darīt. |
2015.07.22 22.53 Things they say about love Mathematics: "So I would have thought that perhaps the most successful relationships were ones where there was a really high negativity threshold. Where couples let things go and only brought things up if they really were a big deal. But actually, the mathematics and subsequent findings by the team have shown the exact opposite is true. The best couples, or the most successful couples, are the ones with a really low negativity threshold. These are the couples that don't let anything go unnoticed and allow each other some room to complain. These are the couples that are continually trying to repair their own relationship, that have a much more positive outlook on their marriage. Couples that don't let things go and couples that don't let trivial things end up being a really big deal." Desire: "You know, the erotic mind is not very politically correct." |
2015.07.20 22.43 # Viss lielais dzīvojot sīkumos. Daily rituals to remember. |
2015.04.21 12.27 # Lieliski māku prasīt tikai to, ko man nemaz nevajag. To, ko patiešām vajag, baidos. Saprotami. Ja neiedos, sāpēs. |
2015.03.24 08.18 # "Man izskatās, ka visvairāk Tu kontrolē pati sevi." |
2015.03.23 00.04 # Pa durvīm drīkst iziet tikai tad, ja sev vari pateikt, ka neceri un negribi, lai viņš skrietu pakaļ. Ja nevari to sev godīgi pateikt, nāksies turpat vien apstāties. |
2015.03.10 09.25 # Pieķerties. Atlaist. Pieķerties. |
2015.03.05 20.41 # Let's fall in love? |
2015.02.26 22.54 # "Self-love is a good thing but self-awareness is more important. You need to once in a while go ‘Uh, I’m kind of an asshole.’ " Louis C.K. Like, uh, yes, I am. |
2015.02.03 19.06 # Par mums.Viņām. |
2015.01.25 14.01 # Palasīju vienu interesantu viedokli par attiecībām. ( Piemēri. ) |
2015.01.17 21.36 # Pirms kāda laika prāts saprata, ka esmu viņā vīlusies un uzskatu par muļķi, sliktu stūrmani. Ka vairs viņa spriedumiem neuzticos. |
2015.01.16 17.07 # # |
2015.01.14 09.32 # Ir ļoti iespējams, ka ar mīļumu un neatlaidību no manis var panākt visu un jebko. |