Friday, September 3rd, 2021
| Monday, August 9th, 2021
Massive Bird Nests on Telephone Poles
"In the Kalahari Desert, South Africa, a native bird called the sociable weaver bird constructs massive nests that, from a distance, looks like a giant haystack that's fallen into a tree. The foundation of these nests are often trees or a utility pole such as the ones that carry telephone wires. Over these the birds create a frame with larger sticks and then build walls from dry grasses to form individual rooms, and line each chamber of the nest with softer grasses and fibers. Sharp spikes of straw protect the entrance tunnels from predators. These nests are the largest built by any bird, and are large enough to house over a hundred pairs of birds. Some sociable weaver nests have remained occupied for several generations spanning over 100 years."
"The birds acquired the name “sociable” not because they live in large colonies, but because they are known to share their nests with several other species including owls, vultures, eagles, red-headed finches, ashy tits, familiar chats, and many more. .. More residents mean more eyes keeping a watch for danger. And the weavers often learn from the other birds where new sources of food can be found."
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Squatting or Kneeling May Be Beneficial for Health
"To better understand the evolution of sedentary behaviors, the scientists studied inactivity in a group of Tanzanian hunter-gatherers, the Hadza, who have a lifestyle that is similar in some ways with how humans lived in the past.
.. the Hadza are sedentary for about as much time — around 9 to 10 hours per day — as humans in more developed countries. However, they appear to lack the markers of chronic diseases that are associated, in industrialized societies, with long periods of sitting. The reason for this disconnect may lie in how they rest.
'Even though there were long periods of inactivity, one of the key differences we noticed is that the Hadza are often resting in postures that require their muscles to maintain light levels of activity — either in a squat or kneeling.'"
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| Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021
The Bad Hair, Incorrect Feathering, and Missing Skin Flaps of Dinosaur Art
"Elephants, zebras, and rhinos would all look pretty different if they were interpreted the same way dinosaurs are."
"Most serious paleoart bases itself on the detailed findings of paleontologists, who can work for weeks or even years compiling the most accurate descriptions of ancient life they can, based on fossil remains. But Kosemen says that many dinosaur illustrations should take more cues from animals living today. Our world is full of unique animals that have squat fatty bodies, with all kinds of soft tissue features that are unlikely to have survived in fossils, such as pouches, wattles, or skin flaps. 'There could even be forms that no one has imagined,' says Kosemen. 'For example there could plant-eating dinosaurs that had pangolin or armadillo-like armor that wasn’t preserved in the fossil. There could also be dinosaurs with porcupine-type quills.'"
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Smell You Later: The Weird Science of How Sweat Attracts
"A newborn baby, though helpless and immobile, will scooch preferentially toward their own birth mother’s odour when breast-milk pads from four different women are placed in the four corners of their cradle. Likewise, a mother can identify her own newborn baby by smell just a few hours after birth."
"Siblings and married couples are able to correctly identify the smell of people with whom they cohabitate. Even adult siblings who haven’t seen (or smelled) each other for more than two years can still correctly recognize their brother’s or sister’s unique odour print. .. People with anosmia—the inability to smell—often face relationship challenges: men without a sense of smell have fewer sexual partners while nonsmelling women are insecure in their relationships. Both are more prone to getting depressed."
"There would be several afternoon and evening smell-dating rounds in the city’s most bustling green space, Gorky Park, as part of a larger science-and-technology festival that takes place over a weekend in May. Random people wandering around the park, science nerds attending the festival, and those attracted to the event after seeing it advertised in local media would all participate. .. This being Russia, people who match up at the smell-dating event would be given exclusive entrance bracelets to a nearby VIP lounge tent so that couples could get to know each other over free, all-you-can-drink vodka cocktails."
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| Tuesday, July 20th, 2021
| Monday, July 12th, 2021
| Saturday, June 19th, 2021
Geek Trio (Nothing to Hide)
"LOOKING AT YOU is a techno-noir music theater work mixing electronic dance music, crime jazz, and lyric operatic arias. Equal parts Edward Snowden and Casablanca, LOOKING AT YOU explores the impact of modern technology on privacy. When genius coder Dorothy discovers that her former lover has become the world’s most famous whistleblower, will she turn him in to the authorities, or help him to escape?"
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| Friday, June 18th, 2021
| Wednesday, June 16th, 2021
| Wednesday, May 26th, 2021
10:59 - The police dog who cried drugs at every traffic stop
| Thursday, May 20th, 2021
| Tuesday, May 18th, 2021
| Friday, May 14th, 2021
11:04 - Trading pit hand signals