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Friday, May 27th, 2022
The Life of a Backpacker in Asia in the 1970s

"I was shooting two rolls of film a day while traveling, about 70 photos. When I was growing up, my family would shoot a roll of 24 photos in a year, which was pretty typical. You'd have three holidays on one roll. It was considered radical, extreme to be shooting as many photos as I was. When I would tell people I shot 70 per day their jaws would drop. They couldn't imagine how you could find 70 things to take a photo of in one day! That many pictures in a day was considered insane."

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12:54p - Jacques of S'T'A - Life in Mobile Phone
Jacques of S'T'A - Life in Mobile Phone

"there is a window in your room
the sun is shining through the glass
is there still a life outside your phone?
is there still a life?"

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