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Cirmuļa atklāsmes - 9. Oktobris 2006

9. Okt 2006 22:28

you know that you can't and you won't
but it still hurts when you don't

ir doma

9. Okt 2006 22:40

jealousy, my old friend
you rip my heart out
you rip my heart out

I'll close my eyes until the end
don't hear me cry out
don't hear me cry out

in the darkness of my soul
you are the last
you were the first
when I scream, when I howl
you were the last
you are the first

burning seeds grow to flames
come burn my heart out
come dance my heart out

all desires burn into shame
won't leave my heart out
won't let my heart out

ir doma

9. Okt 2006 22:56

uguns. viena vienīga uguns šovakar.

drīz būs tas romāns jāuzraksta.

uzrakstīšu un nevienam nerādīšu. tādu jau nevar rādīt. tikai paslēpt un reizi mūžā atcerēties.

ir doma

9. Okt 2006 23:04

...un nekur vairs nav droši, nekur vairs nevar rakstīt...

...iluzors miers ietinis pasauli, bet es degu...

...pelnu skrandas vien lido pa gaisu, gar monitoru, laukā pa logu, nosēžas uz asfalta un top sabrauktas...

...gluži kā es...

...nē, es ne. bet kaut būtu...

ir doma

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