- 2.2.04 01:53
- Dzīves taisnības - un tikai pasakiet, ka nav taisnība!!! (Diemžēl angliski, jo slinkums tulkot)
Don't brag about any advantages you have, because people will go out
of their way to ruin them the second you tell them.
When you're getting bad services or just plaing get fucked over. Cursing
and making a scene goes a long way. Sometimes you get free stuff.
If your going to pretend to do a line of cocaine, don't pretend with
washing powder. it burns!
Don't lend your parents large amounts of money, they will never pay it back.
One person's opinion is NEVER sufficient enough.
After you put Icey-Hot ointment on your back, wash your hand before you
touch your wee-wee. It burns too!
It's ALWAYS good to research something before you buy it.
Trying to date people off the internet isn't a fun as you might think. Especially
when ppl claim to have no pic, and describe themselves in words. Lies.
The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them.
Don't analyze things to the point that you render yourself unable to do them.
Don't tell anyone, any secret information that you are not willing for the whole world to know.
Money and friendship do not mix well. (or at all)
Life is predictable. Look at what others around you are doing, and the results they are getting. If you do the same things that they are doing, you will get the same results.
Give most people the slightest bit of power and they turn into a mini-Hitler.
A preson who screws you over once will screw you over again if you give them a second chance. - 1 jau izteikušiesIzsakies
- 2.2.04 02:25
re kā, kāds jau ir pateicis visas manas domas. piedevām, angliski pateicis. skaisti.
pats pirmais man ļoti patīk un atsauc atmiņā to paulu koelju citātu, ko visi vienmēr piesauc - kā nu tur bija, ideja bija tāda - ka ja tu kaut ko ļoti vēlies, visa pasaule sadodas rokās, lai tu to dabūtu.
es to bij pārtaisījusi pa savam (un, manuprāt, daudz ticamāk) -- ja visa pasaule zinās, ko tu vēlies, visa pasaule sadosies rokās, lai tu to nedabūtu, un vēl kāju priekšā paliks, lai būtu pilnīgi droši, ka tu pakritīsi un sāpīgi sasitīsies :) - Izvērst domu