- Masu psihoze
- 28.4.04 15:55
Nošpikots noduujs
Your True Nature by llScorpiusll Username The quality that most appeals to you: Strength In a survival situation, you: Do what is necessary Your hidden talent is: Adaptability Your gift is: Genius In groups, you: Work for a common goal Your best quality is: Your sense of humour Your weakness is: Your coldness Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen! - 3 jau izteikušiesIzsakies
- 28.4.04 16:47
Your True Nature by llScorpiusll Username The quality that most appeals to you: Strength In a survival situation, you: Freak out Your hidden talent is: Seeing the best in others Your gift is: Irresistible attractiveness In groups, you: Feel uncomfortable Your best quality is: Your generosity Your weakness is: Your furious temper Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen! - Izvērst domu
- 28.4.04 19:34
Your True Nature by llScorpiusll Username The quality that most appeals to you: Sense of Humour In a survival situation, you: Play dead Your hidden talent is: Pragmatism Your gift is: An iron constitution In groups, you: Are the center of attention Your best quality is: Your kindness Your weakness is: Being unforgiving Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
Va vellos gandrīz pat atbilst man. - Izvērst domu
- 28.4.04 20:10
nevāji, bet tas tests dažiem patiešām pasaka gandrīz patiesību :)
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