
About Reptilian (Serpent) Brain

17.. Apr, 2007 | 14:53
No:: morphine

The brain can be divided into 3 main parts; science calls it the Triune Brain:
1) The Reptile (serpent) Brain is also called the root brain or R-complex. -- I ACT.
2) The Neo-Mammal Brain where the Limbic Nerve System is. -- I FEEL
3) The Neo-Cortex the Covering of Gray Matter-Frontal Lobes. -- I THINK

Without getting into an in-depth teaching let's just look at the Serpent Brain, this is the most inner core part of the brain, and the most primitive of the Triune Brain. Look at the Brain below:

Why is it called the Serpent or Reptile Brain? It looks like a reptile and functions like the brain of a snake, lizard or other reptiles. Lacking language, its impulses are instinctual and ritualistic. It's concerned with fundamental needs such as Survival, physical maintenance, hoarding, dominance, preening and mating. It is also found in lower life forms such as lizards, crocodiles and birds. It is at the base of your skull emerging from your spinal column.


(Kundalini is the coiled energy, life force at the base of the spine (tail bone-sacred bone) that rises when one is being prepared for a special task or enlightened. It is the force of creativity to perform and become the miracles. This energy comes up the spine, into the brain stem (Serpent Brain) and is expressed through the Neo-Mammal (Limbic Nerve System) and out through the Neo-Cortex Brains.)

Serpent Brain computes only Basic Survival, Self-Defense and Counter Attack. It is 100% competitive, does not think, has no new ideas, it only computes the “ME” behavior. In Christian terminology it is the Carnal Mind, the Ego that produces suffering, disease, lack and ultimately death when out of balanced.

Here are the 4 main behaviors of the Serpent Brain. Fighting, Feeding, Fleeing and Sex. This is also where fear lives and becomes the energy to activate the 4 behaviors on various levels. For example, you remember getting upset and saying things you don't even remember and didn't mean when you felt threatened in some way. That's true, the Serpent Brain does not think, it only reacts.

But we should not believe that the Serpent Brain is in some way the worst part of us. Without this part of brain we would not be able to function in any of the basic levels, e.g. eat or sleep.


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