meerkakjprata nedienas
October 30th, 2013
02:16 am
“My soul is ten thousand miles wide and extremely invisibly deep. It is the same
size as the sea, and you cannot, you cannot cram it into beer cans and fingernails
and stake it out in lots and own it. It will drown you all and never even notice.”
02:32 am
kāpēc es neko nepostēju?
tāpēc, ka ja kāds, Dievs nedod, kaut ko no tā nokomenēs man nāksies apspiest vēlmi nošauties.
bet pohuj.
apparently nu jau.
05:34 pm
“The thing about working with time, instead of against it, he thought, is that it is not wasted. Even pain counts.”