celjojums uz tralalaa - I don't want to be cool, I just want to be oldschool fool! [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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I don't want to be cool, I just want to be oldschool fool! [7. Dec 2004|10:00]
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labaakais, kas shodien dzirdeets "I don't want to be cool, I just want to be oldschool fool!" man arii taa liekas pa sevi! tad nu kjeros klaat excel - beh!
Linkliidzi Shim!!!

[User Picture]
Date:7. Decembris 2004 - 14:25
Oldshool fool forever!!!
[User Picture]
Date:7. Decembris 2004 - 17:45
cool retro U know!
[User Picture]
Date:7. Decembris 2004 - 17:54
Rock & Soul Music!!!;D
[User Picture]
Date:7. Decembris 2004 - 18:07


music, life style and all the other things which are made for such a people as we are! jee!