
Jun. 6th, 2010 | 04:05 am
From:: mirror_mind

and morning comes again. there are shades of dark blue outside my window now, and it seems like it was back then. back then in any of those times, any of those girls, any of those myriad feelings. only this time there are no feelings, this time there are no girls. just the one who doesn't care, just the one who loves me so much, just the one who is an ultimate paradox. just the one. just the one I thought could be the one. but she is not.

and the summer is coming. it is rising behind my window like a wave of light. and I hide from it, I sleep during the day and walk in different worlds at night. my summer, the only thing that ever mattered to me, the only thing that ever gave me the hit, it has become just a light outside my window. and light hurts my eyes now.

all I want now is to lie down and smoke some weed. smoke myself out of my mind and into somewhere else. I don't want to be here. I want to ride the waves.

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