
Nov. 3rd, 2011 | 04:58 pm

I am on the verge of sleep when her hands seek me out through the darkness, slowly and with a certain reliance. I can feel her breath - this time it is different, louder and more vibrant. she tears me up at the base of spine, her nails digging deep in my skin, she puts real effort in the motion. pain flashes through my body and I forcefully exhale this intense buildup. she thrusts her hand again and I suddenly embrace her in my painful agony of pleasure. my lips seek out her lips and we entangle even more. another thrust, a wave of discharge in my nerves, so intense that it almost resembles an orgasm. she keeps on molesting my skin, as our embrace deepens and our kiss gains momentum. eloquence in her movements. extasy in mine. but no confluence, we are just two people playing, just beautiful people doing whatever we want. simplicity.

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