being a mentor

May. 16th, 2011 | 10:04 am

The idea was very simple, but there was no simple way to explain it. I just let all the chaotic images and ideas flow through me in a long monologue, I let myself do the talking as I sat back and tried to enjoy my own show. The complexity was in the need to make her forget what she believed in, so this idea would appear in front of her.

I could not do it, something had already found its way in and grown roots in her; it had enveloped all of the outer sphere of her consciousness, shaping all the ideas that wanted to settle down in her mind. I felt sadness, it enveloped me gradually as the water in my bath was getting colder. This time I really did not know if the emotion was mine or it belonged to her. I did not care, I wanted it gone.

Never felt so old. It is a strange thing to teach multiple people. You start to compare them, contrast them against each other in a hope to find some collective truth that would apply to them all. But you can not. Never felt so cold.

Today the weather is the dominant thing in my perception. Heavy and gray, wet and unpleasant. Clouds in my mind. I long for something warm.

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