
Sep. 10th, 2010 | 12:38 pm

I met her again tonight for the second time. she seemed older than a couple of nights ago. her hair was shorter, she was taller and more lean and feline. but it was her, unmistakeably. and she knew who I was, she had seen me too.

everything about her was too sensual and vivid for her to be an artifact of my subconscious, as if she was a projection herself, but I will never know for sure, though.

nevertheless, the moment we touched hands it was as if thunder struck us. our hands melted together and then the rest of our bodies. we merged into one being and then separated again. from this point on we could anticipate each other's slightest movement, slightest breath. forever connected now. we made love then, right there on the ground. for a while it was ground, then it was a room. we floated, because I never felt the ground or the bed touch me. she wore red underwear.

fulfillment. unattainable in this dimension of consciousness.

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