her presence

Jul. 9th, 2010 | 12:57 am

it is a warm, cloudy evening, almost twilight. a slow wind caresses my skin like a warm wave as we walk the dirty streets of this city. this time there is something more in your astral touch, as if it was an embrace this time. a strong bond, mixed with a tiny bit of pity and joy of presence. this time I can almost touch our friendship physically. I feel loved.

I had forgotten how pretty you can be. I always looked at you and saw how old your eyes were, but today they seem to sparkle and all your body suddenly seems so much prettier. a strong bond, mixed with a tiny bit of promise and shameless arousal. I set this feeling free within myself and rejoice for a moment about its carnal simplicity. some ardent images come to my mind but I wave them away from my mental plane quickly.

you are here the day I wanted this most. I may seem cold often, but I don't think I can find the words for saying how much this presence means to me. it cleans me in some way, purifies me, lets the light in.

I bet this is what love should feel like. I bet this IS love in some strangely sensual way.

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