(no subject)

May. 3rd, 2010 | 06:38 pm

we lie content
there, on our backs
watching the glow of early summer above us

the window
above, in the roof

you are here, within my reach

so silently the shades are moving
behind the glass
their motion so hypnotic

I wish tu run away

I wish to run
down and inside this found-again feeling of freedom
as your breathing turns to moans in my ear
I wish to fly
up and yonder to the deep places of thy darkened mind
as you ride the thousand storms that rave in my chest

like a ship with no sails in a storm
I am tugged between your layers of nightmares
a vertigo of time, stretching out in my consciousness
like a dark wave, like a blast,
a realisation
that I am, in fact, alone

empty is the idea to fill myself with joy
nothing dares to attach to me as your free spirit has done
I care not if the storm breaks it, and blows it away

but still, I am here,
under you
as it all decelerates
and translates
to normal

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